Sunday, 13 January 2013


One of the most stressful things I find about having a baby is that they are always changing.  Just when you think you've finally got this parenting stuff sorted, a routine in place and your weekly activities chosen, your little cherub goes and decides that he in fact now doesn't like broccoli.  Or actually wants to wake at 3am for a chat.  Or now hates creche (why? why?!  When he'd previously loved it!).

Our current saga (and I use the word intentionally for with children it seems like everything gains epic proportions) is nap time.  Until a week ago my baby was good at nap time.  One at 9.30 - 10 and another after lunch for an hour.  A blissful hour of me time (and by this I mean getting all the jobs done that I previously hadn't managed to).  Now, however, he has decided that an hour is far too long. 20 minutes will, in fact, suffice.  Which results in mummy getting disproportionately stressed.

Two days ago I read the story of the wise king who called his counsellors together and challenged them to summarise all the wisdom of the world into a single sentence.  After much thought they came back with: This too shall pass.

In between nappy changes and feeds I've been pondering that statement and have concluded that it is very wise.  It gives perspective.  And a timely reminder that all too soon my cherub will be taller than me, the owner of a mobile and probably sleeping far too much for my liking.  And so I've been trying to adapt.  And relish the extended time I now have with my boy.  For surely, all too quickly, this too shall pass.

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