Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Job Titles

I suspect that growing up, Moses didn't imagine he'd become a shepherd.  He was educated, wealthy and had great connections.  A career in politics maybe, or ruler of a small province.  Instead he found himself on the run, living in a foreign land and tending sheep.  Not glamorous.  Not somebody.  And not what he expected.

When he encounters God in the burning bush, God asks him what he's carrying.  "A shepherd's staff", Moses replies (probably rolling his eyes).

Yet several verses later (Exodus 4:20 to be precise) this same staff is described as 'the staff of God'.

What happened?  The staff was still the same.  But Moses wasn't.  He'd met God.  He'd been transformed.  Yes he was still nervous and terrified of public speaking, but his life had a new direction. He was still going to be a shepherd, but this time he'd be shepherding people.  God's people.  On a mission that would take him the rest of his life.

I regularly get asked what I do.  Most people are incredibly enthusiastic when I reply that I'm now a full-time mummy (not that there are any other types - I just don't have a paid job on top).  But inside a little part of me wishes that sounded a bit more glamorous or exciting.  I don't wear heels and a suit.  I don't have business meetings.  I don't own a blackberry.

But I wonder how I'd feel if I saw my role through God's eyes.  How would I answer the question 'What do you do?'?

Imparter of Spiritual Truth?  Guide?  Role model for the God of the Universe?

Put like that, I'm somebody rather important!

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